Online photo/video contest “Stay at home to fight the epidemic, work at the peak”

In response to the direction from the Prime Minister in the prevention of the epidemic, and at the same time, to improve the working spirit of the Company’s personnel during the prolonged quarantine period. On August 24, 2021, The HR Department held an online photo/video contest “Stay at home to fight the epidemic, work at the peak” with the hope that the company’s employees will openly share about the working angle as well as the spirit, your own feelings during the process of working online to give the message “a break from the epidemic but not a break” to encourage the spirit of working online at home for employees.

The contest rules are very simple:

1. Contestants:

Personnel from VNE Holdings

2. Rules:

Each contestant may submit a maximum of 1 entry. Each unit requires at least 20% HUMAN RESOURCES to participate. Contest time: 24/8 – 14h on 1/9/2021.

3. Requirements for entries:

* Includes the following contents:

+ Photos/videos:

Is an individual or collective photo/video of an individual working angle

Clear, not blurred, dark, ensuring aesthetics.

Must be the original photo/video, wearing company uniform (if any)

Post content:

Feel and share honestly about yourself or your team members about your time working online from home based on your perspective, personal work ethic, constructive content, and positive energy. to everyone around, family, friends, colleagues.

+ Hashtags:


4. Evaluation criteria: The organizors will evaluate based on 2 criteria:

– Quality of the submission (50%):

+ Quality images, showing optimism, positive energy.

+ Message content, emotional sharing.

– The spread of the contest entry on social networks (50%):

+ 1 like = 1 point

+ 1 share (each facebook account can only share 1 time publicly) = 3 points

The member with the most photos/videos with the most VALID likes and shares on the company’s personal facebook page or group will receive 01 valuable reward from the program.

5. Prizes: Prizes will be judged based on the ranking of the entries with the highest to lowest scores 1 First Prize:

1,000,000 VND 1 Second prize: 500,000 VND

1 Third Prize: 300,000 VND

1 Consolation prize: 200,000 VND Special Prize:

1,500,000 VND (for creative, positive ideas, spreading the spirit of work, …) Total prize: 3,500,000 VND

After 1 week of launching the online photo/video contest: “Stay at home to fight the epidemic, work at your peak”. The contest received enthusiastic participation from a large number of colleagues.

The first shot came from the VNE01 sales team of men and women with positive feelings and sharing, strong connection, spreading enthusiasm, transmitting positive energy, encouraging individuals. Individuals and collectives who are still afraid to express themselves have now followed in the footsteps of VNS sales team VNE.01 to “raise the flag” to respond to competitions such as: individual, collective Team sale, MKT VNE.02 ; VNE.03; VNE.04,… and other business units of the Company such as APG, Clux, HTS, OneS Media.

On 7th of September, the most important award announcement time came, after a careful review and review process, the organizors found the owners of valuable prizes:


Nguyen Quang Huy’s facebook nick Nguyen Quang Huy is from APG PHIL.04 center After 6 times of carefully and objectively reviewing and voting by the jury, Nguyen Quang Huy’s article is highly appreciated for its meticulousness from the quality and meaning of the video to the content.


Dinh Huyen Nhung facebook nick Dinh Huyen Nhung belongs to the sales department of VNE.03 center with reacts: 593, total valid share points: 246


Nguyen Thi Trinh’s facebook account Bao Han belongs to the marketing department of VNE.03 with reacts: 388, total valid share points: 168


Ms. Nguyen Van with facebook nick Van Nguyen belongs to the marketing department of X2000 with reacts: 258, total valid share points: 213 And especially in recognition of everyone’s enthusiastic participation and investment in the contest, the Board of Directors of the Company and the organizors decided that there would be some more PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNTS FOR PARTICIPATIONS for contests to ensure standards. The criteria for valid interaction score is greater than 100, share score is over 30, and the contest entries are relevant, on topic, with enough requirements, are contagious and show a positive spirit and have an investment. Edit photos and videos.

What’s even more surprising is that in addition to the rewards from the Company, each winning individual or team will receive an additional secret gift from Mr. Nguyen Son Tung – Deputy General Director in charge of business!


Tran Manh Toan and OneS team participated in creating clip content

Dang Thi Ngan – HCNS – VNE

Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang – HCNS – VNE

Nguyen Thu Thuy – Sale – VNE03

Le Phuong Anh – Bill of Lading – VNE02

Nguyen Thi Lich – Sale – VNE03

Vu Quynh Mai – Sale – HTS

Le The Cuong – MKT – APG Indo.01

Nguyen Thanh Thuy – Sale – VNE05

Ha Thi Thu Hang – Sale – VNE01

The organizors would like to thank the attention, monitoring and support of the Board of Directors of the Company and all employees during the past time. Thank you for your enthusiastic and enthusiastic participation. We also regret that because of the short time, many contestants did not have time to participate in this special online event. And also condolences to those who did not receive this award. Hopefully in the upcoming contests, those who have not yet won will try harder and join together with a healthy competitive spirit, true to the Integrity of VNEers warriors.

To celebrate the contest and keep the best moments of all employees participating in the contest the organizors made a video

Once again, congratulations to all the employees of the Company. Wish everyone to stay healthy, always maintain an optimistic spirit, positive energy, well accomplish their goals and plans. Link for statistics and contest scoring: